
2C-B-BZP (Party Pills) - Drugs Education Part 8 (Final)

Thursday, December 12, 2019


I will write write something quick about party pills and then the conclusion and summary of my Drug Education Articles.

+2C-B-BZP are the so-called +Party-Pills that contain legitimate constituent substances. They are psychoactive drugs and have a stimulant effects on the human body which last between 3-6 hours.

These party pills may cause nausea, headaches and other side-effects similar the rest of the recreational drugs.


Now that im done. I've written mostly about the negative effects that these narcotics have on our health and described how they are consumed, what they are made of and general information as best as i could.

There are "positive" aspects to some of these drugs too. But i won't go into that...

What i will go into is my thoughts on Legalization. If you've ever dealt drugs or been with drug dealers you know that the only people who do not want drugs to be legalized are drug dealers and criminals. They are making too much money. And apparently also the Governments and the Police and the Courts and all those "Good Guys" also don't want drugs to be legalized. It's mind-blowing.

Wow. Think about that for a second.

Personaly back in my begginings of smoking weed i wanted it to become legalized. Later on during my drug-dealing (some weed) days i didn't want it to get legalized. Now that im clean again and been through all the phases. I DO want it to get legalized.

Why does the government feel like they should take away my freedom to choose what i smoke, sniff, swallow, inject??? Plus if it's legalized criminals lose money. The government can tax it. Control it. And then invest and give the tax money back to schools, hospitals, the public sector. It would be great for users and governments alike.

But since criminals make big money with drugs. And the governments, cops, pigs, judges, and the rest of em also make big money with drugs. They will keep that stuff illegal and milk it for All it's worth without having to give any of it back because "IT" doesn't exist.

So people. My advise is to stay away from drugs. Or use drugs. Whatever. If you are adults do whatever. If you give drugs or advocate drugs to minors, then F Y. Hope you get arrested by legal lawful criminals and put in prison with illegal unlawful criminals.

I will post parts 1-8 here for easier browing if anyone wants to go through them and get some education :)

Part 1: +Cocaine Here:

Part 2: +Cannabis Here:

Part 3: +Ecstasy-Amphetamines Here:

Part 4: +Methamphetamine Here:

Part 5: +Mephedrone Here:

Part 6 - +Synthetic-Cannabinoids Here:

Part 7 - +Heroin Here:


+Drugs +Recreational-drug +Dangerous-drug +Drugs-education +Narcotics +Addiction +Drug-addiction +Illegal +Illegal-drugs +Illegal-substances +Health-effects +Chemicals +Narcotic-substances +Substance +Recreational-drug

Pictures: Google "Free to Use" Pictures
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↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Articles category by me (Bubblerian) on June 1st 2013.

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