
Heroin - Drugs Education Part 7

Friday, November 8, 2019


This is the Part 7 of my Drugs Education Articles. The introduction is in Part 1. Here are the previous Parts.

Part 1: +Cocaine Here:

Part 2: +Cannabis Here:

Part 3: +Ecstasy-Amphetamines Here:

Part 4: +Methamphetamine Here:

Part 5: +Mephedrone Here:

Part 6 - +Synthetic-Cannabinoids Here:

Part 8 - +2C-B-BZP-Party-Pills Here:

Here in Part 7 i will talk about +Heroin

+Heroin is an illegal drug which has highly addictive properties. It is sold as a white or brown powder which has bitter taste.

Heroin (like opium and morphine) is manufactured by the juice of the poppy plant. In the manufacturing proccess initially +Opium is made. Then it is processed to make +MORPHINE . Which is then proccessed again to make various types of +Heroin.

In the streets heroin is commonly mixed with other substances such as powdered sugar, starch and others. However, the wish of the dealer to make a profit might make him add some highly toxic substances to the heroin in order to increase the weight and strenghth of his product.

Usually, Heroin is taken by injection, creating the risk of AIDS (when the needles are shared between more people) and other contaminations plus the risk of addiction. There is also a risk of an overdose which many times leads to certain death. Heroin can also be sniffed and smoked

The long term effects of heroin is addiction, first and foremost. This is a long-term disease which manifests itself in a compolsive search for the drug, changes in brain function primarily on the neurochemical and molecular level. In many cases Heroin becomes the only daily activity of the user, looking for it, using it and trying to find money to get more of it.

The signs of Heroin use include narrow pupils, lowered eyelids, sleepiness, malnutrition, skin color turns gray, scars at the injection site, constricted pupils, dark circles around the eyes, vomiting, lethargy and a lack of interest.

Personaly, out of all the drugs in existence. Heroin scares me the most. It's effects, the potential for addiction and dependence, what it does to you, the needle.....

I would advise anyone to not do drugs. But if you have to or want to use drugs, please, use anything else but heroin.

+Heroin +Injection +Drugs +Recreational-drug +Dangerous-drug +Drugs-education +Narcotics +Addiction +Drug-addiction +Illegal +Illegal-drugs +Illegal-substances +Health-effects +Chemicals +Narcotic-substances +Substance +Recreational-drug +Dangerous-drug +Powder +White-powder +Brown-powder +Death

Pictures: Google "Free to Use" Pictures
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↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Articles category by me (Bubblerian) on June 1st 2013.

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