I am Bubblerian, as was my Bubblews username for 3 years. I started writing for Bubblews shortly after it came on the scene, which was right around the time MyLot had closed its paying program, and people were migrating from MyLot to Bubblews; and to other sites, but mostly to Bubblews. I had multiple successful $25 dollar payments, as you will see on Payment Proofs I will be posting on this blog, and made about $280 dollars in the 6 or so months that I was with them. At some point, the payments stopped coming, and after the 2nd unpaid redemption, I gave up on it. From then on, I redeemed a few times from the passive income I had on Bubblews, and I was only paid once again, $50 dollars, completely unexpectedly. That's my Bubblews story, in a few words. On this blog I will be re-posting all of my Bubblews content that got deleted when Bubblews shut its doors a month or so ago...