
5 Rules of Thumb!

Monday, September 2, 2024


I wrote this one yesterday morning, but them i had already posted my 2 posts for the day, so i left the article to post it today, here we go.

The following rules of thumb come directly from me. The first one came to me a few hours ago, so i wrote it down. Then i started thinking about it, while doing other things.

Slowly, slowly, the list went up to Five. So i thought i'd share... These come from me, my life, my experiences, i wasn't influenced in writing these by anyone. Well actually i was... I was influenced and i copied the content from Coffee, Tobacco, Insomnia and Adrenaline. Im a petty pagiarizer. Sue me! :D

Here we go. 5 Rules of Thumb:

1. Don't own more stuff than you can fit in a car (Inluding yourself in sleeping mode) - If you end up homeless with nothing but a car in your posession, you can still not be homeless, And take All of your things with you. It's a Win-Win. ;)

2. Never ask your girlfriend/boyfriend about past relationships and sexual experiences. - If you do, You're gonna have a bad time!

3. Go to the bathroom before hitting the highway for a long drive (Especially Women) - Not so much for guys. Guys get out of the car, and do what needs to be done. Women on the other hand, need cover, a lot of cover. Guys can use a little bush behind them. Women need a forest behind them. Take care.

4. Do the opposite from what the people around you are doing - In other words, if everyone is jumping off a building, don't do it!! But if everyone is not jumping off a building, take a leap of faith. :D

5. Never trust a sales-person - Generaly when someone is trying to sell you something so that they make a profit, generaly assume they are lying to you, while smiling(Or laughing) at you.

Alright, this is wisdom right there, so use it wisely. ;)


+Rule-of-thumb +Rules +Wise +Wisdom +Long-Drive +Owning-stuff +HOMELESS +Past-relationships +Sexual-experience +Dont-ask +Bathroom +Be-different +Never-trust-salesperson

Picture: Google "Free To Use" Pictures -->

↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Entertainment category by me (Bubblerian) on July 4th 2013.

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