
I don't follow Fashion!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

No meme

I never wrote a post in the Fashion category, so i'll write one now...

The reason i never write anything in the Fashion category is simply because i have no cards in that game. I don't care for fashion, i don't care what other people are doing, wearing, saying, behaving, none of that... Because i have my own thoughts, i'm my own person, i don't need no person or tv show to tell me what to do...

As far as fashion goes, i wear what i have. And when i shop, i shop for what i like. It can be totally casual, it can be rap-style clothes, it can be anything except pink, because i'm a guy... I also tend to avoid yellow too... I don't mind wearing pink or yellow, i just prefer not to... I like to wear what makes me feel comfortable...

I really have no idea how come "Fashion" even exists. That's just all marketing and advertising as far as i'm concerned. I mean, how does that even becomes a reality? A celebrity wore that t-shirt. So? So what? It's the new IN thing, who said so? who defines the IN thing? I have no idea how that whole thing even exists...

So this is probably my first and last post in the Fashion category. I have nothing to say on the subject except what i already said, and of course i won't forget to mention those shows-episodes-whatever they are - i see on TV sometimes where women or men walk on a stage wearing for the most part the most ridiculous piece of garbage anyone could have ever created in their wildest dreams... I have to admit that those Fashion Designers are true artists, for the most part, i could never ever create such crap, and actually make people wear it and go show it off, on a stage, to the whole world... That's art right there...

For the other few that actually design classy Normal clothes, well alright, good for them, but just because you designed it, and you're some sort of a brand Armani or Gucci or whatever, that doesn't mean anything to me. If i like it i'll buy it, if i don't like it i won't buy it. And the only thing you are doing by advertising it and shoving it down my throat is actually making me Not buy it, because i don't like being pressured or brainwashed or programmed into doing things...

And that concludes my Fashion post for today, and for all time... Goodbye alien Fashion planet!!! o_O


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↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Fashion category by me (Bubblerian) on August 10th 2013.

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