
How to Research a Website & Avoid Scams

Monday, July 29, 2024

How to Research a Website & Avoid Scams

In the last couple of years many people have been trying to earn pocketmoney or even make a complete living on-line. This is understandable because earning online has so many benefits comparing to an offline job. You are your own boss. You wokrk at your own time. You can spend all the time you want with your children or family. It's great.

The problem is that there are many scams online which are aimed at taking your money and not giving anything in return. So how do we know if a website is Legit or a Scam? We research it...

The first thing you want to do is ask about the site you are researching at a forum or forums where you belong, I say do this firstly because until you finish the rest of your research you will already have some answers on the forum/s you posted your question at. Okay, so we posted our question about a site asking if anyone knows anything about it. Whether it's a scam or not? How does it work? And any other question we might have about it.

Now we go to the search engine and we begin our research officially. In the search engine you will want to search:

  • Search 1: "The name of the website + Scam"
  • Search 2: "The name of the website + Review"
  • Search 3: "The name of the website + Payment Proof"

On each search you will want to open a few of the pages that come up on the first or even second page of results. Read through those. By the time you are done you will aready have an idea of what the site is about, how does it pay, which payment processors does it support, whether it supports international or only a few countries, whether it's worth it to join if you're not from the US, UK, Canada

Now that you are finished with that, go to Youtube :D

Watch a couple of videos about the particular site you are researching And read the comments below the videos you are watching. This will also give you some valuable knowledge about the website.

Now that you are done with the research, go back to the forum you posted your question at and see the responses you got. If you have any more questions regarding the site ask on the forum or go to the search engine again and search "the site name + your question".

A few things to keep in mind are - If you/when you come across reviews where the person is actually trying to recruit you to join under them by posting their referral link all over the place, take those reviews with a grain of salt. I am not saying they are lying or aren't being truthful, just be aware that it might not be so nice and dandy as described in that particular review because that person wants you to join under them, so of course the whole review will be/might be sugar-coated. At least a little, or more than a litle.

The last thing i want to say is if you come across conflicting information while researching a site and you have your doubts - what i personally do - give the website a chance because you never know if those people who are screaming Scam actually followed the rules to reach payment. Or it could be competition trying to ruin a website's good name. 

So be careful, avoid scams and happy earnings to all. 

+Research-website +Research-site +Avoid-Scams +Scams +Legit-site +How-to-research +Paying-website +Making-money-online

Picture: Google "Free To Use" Pictures

↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Tutorials category by me (Bubblerian) on May 11 2013.

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