
Tooth is Killing Me - Plans Changed

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Yesterday i wrote about how today i was going to go to another city for a birthday and stuff. And how i was planning to write a lot of content today. Here is that article:

Well, that plan is history.

I ended up staying home because my tooth is Killing Me!!! I mean my left wisdom tooth hurts, and my left ear hurts, my entire left side of the head hurts...

I've been using a mouthwash and pills to try and numb the pain. And i hate taking pills, it's been over a year since i last took a pill. Well, today i've taken 4 until now, Nothing Helps :(((

I have an appointment to the dentist to have that tooth removed, but it's in 5 days from now :O Just the thought that i have to wait 5 days to get rid of this tooth is making the pain worst, unbearable...

The good thing is that 2 years ago i had my 2 lower wisdom teeth removed - on the same day, by my request - so i know what i will have to go through. And this time i am only removing 1 tooth, so it will be much easier...

So there it is, what was supposed to be a nice joyful day, turned out to be a painful day. And i fear that for the next 5 days it's just going to get worst and worst - day by day...

The pain is so strong that at one point i even thought about going to the emergency room... I've never experienced this amount of pain before, and i've had bad teeth quality since i was born, i mean, this is new for me, extremely and constantly painful...

Anyway, if anyone has any advise to help me with the pain, please let me know. I need to live with this for 5 more days. I need help to survive it.... :)

+Tooth +Pain +Toothache +Personal +Changed-plans +Wisdom-Teeth +Teeth +Painful +Sad +Hurting +Extreme-pain +Constant-pain

Picture: Google "Free to Use" Pictures --->

↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Personal category by me (Bubblerian) on June 22 2013.

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