
Can't keep up with 2 Posts per Day

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Some of you may know, some of you will find out now, i try to post 2 Articles per day. That's my goal on Bubblews and i've been doing it for almost 3 months now.

But i find myself unable to keep up. And it messes me up, when i see others posting 10 Articles per day, and i can't even spit out 2, what's going on here?

I usually find myself either full of ideas and no motivation to write. Or full of motivation and no ideas.

At some point i would write on paper all the ideas i am getting, and then i would write the articles when i get in the mood. But i stopped doing that because i find myself not being motivated to write a post if im not feeling it at that moment. In other words, if i feel like writing about topic X right now, but i lack motivation to do it, so i decide to write about it later. Maybe later i won't feel like writing about topic X anymore. So there goes that plan...

Well, for today, this is my 2nd Post. So at least that's good.

But i can't explain it. This inability to write only 2 per day. But then i rarely to never sit and write a short post about whatever. I tend to try and write long-er articles. Articles that can help someone about something. Articles with meaning...

It's like, i could sit and write every little experience that happened to me since i was a child, and have enough things to write about for 2 decades.. But most of those are not really important or helpful to anyone person, or to bubblews at all. So i don't want to do that...


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↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Personal category by me (Bubblerian) on July 20th 2013.

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