
Sad Hamsters Story

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Many years ago when i was a kid i had a hamster. 

Hamsters are those small adorable mouses, but they are super cute unlike their cousins rats that have those disgusting long tails and killer eyes.

Anyway, the hamster i had was a male, so one day i thought let's bring it some company, a female. So i bought a female hamster and put them together in the cage. I was actualy also hoping for small baby hamsters.

Short while later, the male and female started fighting. Well it wasn't as much fighting as it was the female beating on the runaway male, lol. Exactly like in humans :p

I mean i remember hearing noises and everything, but i wasn't sure if they are fighting or playing or making some lovin. So i let them. 

One day, i look and i see something red on the small house that was in the cage and on the wheel. I look and i see the female hamster is okay, sitting there, eating or whetever. Then i look for the male and suddenly i find it inside the house. Dead. :( :( :( 


It was a very sad day for me...

So anyway, the evil female was left alone. Serves her right!!!

Some time later, i got a cat. It was already grown up the cat, so it posed a danger to the hamster. 

At first the hamster cage was reachable to the cat, but eventualy i realized that the cat could manage to drop the cage and maybe even open it and harm the hamster. And i didn't want that to happen. I also didn't want my killer-special OPs hamster to live in constant stress and fear.


So i Moved the hamster to a place where the cat couldn't reach it. For it's safety.

Anyway. I started really spending more time with the cat and the hamster i only fed and put water and gave it almost no attention anymore.

One day, i looked up in the cage, and found the hamster dead. No idea how and why it happened...

So that's the sad hamster story of my childhood. 

It's my fault. I should have never brought Eve into the garden with my Adam. :p

The End!


+Hamsters +Sad-story +Hamster-story +Dead-hamster +Personal +Hamster-fight +Tragedy +Hamster-attack +Hamsters

Pictures: Google "Free to Use" Pictures
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↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Personal category by me (Bubblerian) on May 25th 2013.

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