
Bubblews Payment Process!

Sunday, January 3, 2016 Blue Logo
I wanted to write this article a week ago (last time i redeemed), but i forgot to take the screenshot, so i left it for next time. Well, today is next time.

I just clicked redeem for the fifth time an hour ago, as you can see below... Yeeey :)

Bubblews - Bank/Earnings Area - Posts, Likes, Dislikes, Views, Comments, Total $

Okay. How does it work.

When you have over $25 Dollars in your account. You click "The Bank" in the upper right corner of the screen. As shown below.

Bubblews Navigation - Bubblerian, Notifications, The Bank, My Hub, Logout

On the next page, you click the Big Green "Redeem Now!" Button, as shown below. Redeem Now gree button and Social Media Share buttons

After you do that, you are taken to the next page where you have to select your payment processor (How do you want to be paid). You can choose Check, Paypal, and a few more options. I will show Paypal.

Bubblews - How earnings work! Redemption Form! Paypal

Your "Name" area will be empty, so you will want to fill that out. I always write my First name there only.

The Under 18 years old option. Well im over 18 years old, so it stays on No.

The Contact info. I leave the Telephone Number box empty.

The Email - This is the contact Email and automaticaly the email you registered on Bubblews with will be writen in there. So i leave it as it is.

The Payment Options area. First you will have to click on the Drop-Down menu and select PayPal, or whichever way you want to be paid.

Now, when you select paypal it will automaticaly fill the box with your Contact Email - so MAKE SURE to see and if the email address you registered with is different from your Paypal's email. Make the necessary change.

When it's all complete. Check it once more to make sure all the information is correct (Especially your PayPal Email Address). And click Redeem!

After you click Redeem, a Green window will appear on the top of your screen letting you know that your redemption request has been made and that you will be notified about it within 72 Hours.

That's all folks.

Pictures --> I took the Screenshots!

+Bubblews +Bubblews-redemption +Redemption +Redeem +Bubblews-Payment +Payment +Paypal +Bubblews-paypal +Bubblews-payment-process

↠ This post was originally published on Bubblews in the Miscallaneous category by me (Bubblerian) on June 30th 2013.

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